Friends in e-places no.3: Stef W

Posted by rich, 26 Jan 2007

Stef W was born in Chav central, aka Medway. After leading a normal and stable childhood, he got into all manner of mind altering substances, the most potent of which being Politics. Currently attempting to scale the great heights of political wonkery, he occasionally lets loose a foul mouthed diatribe on arbitrary constant.

What would your Mastermind specialist subject(s) be? •The Political Philosophy and Narcotic Consumption of Hunter S. Thompson OR Drum and Bass Vinyl – 1996 to present OR Swearing

Europe or America? • "My country is the world and my religion is to do good" - Thomas Paine, who, humorously enough, inspired the US revolution with his diatribes about freedom but was then told to fuck off because he was too atheist... make of that what you will.

What book(s) are you currently reading? • The History of Western Philosophy – Bertrand Russell; Making Globalisation Work – Joseph Stiglitz; VolksWorld – September Edition

What news sources and/or websites do you consult on a daily basis? • Gruaniad, NY Times, Guido, Recess Monkey, Life Hacker, Demos

Are you happy with your Body Mass Index? • Happy with the number but not my 'apple shape'.

Which television quiz do you most enjoy? • None, they are all pants, although those completely retarded ones that are on at 4am in the morning on ITV have a certain allure...

What is your favourite building? • To look at – Sagrada Familia. To be in – Balfron Tower.

Whose art means more to you than just paint on a canvas? • Cliched as it may be, Banksy, not because he is in any way profound or particularly intellectual but because he is not profound or intellectual. The guy makes plain, vaguely political statements, that people can relate to – and he usually puts them on the street so that loads of people, who may not otherwise look at 'art', can see them – just great. Other than that, love Sam Taylor-Wood (and her art as well), Chris Ofilli, Christian Boltanski and John Martin.

To which magazine would you most like to have a subscription? • Metaphor monthly, so as to improve my writing skills so that I don't always sound like some civil servant. I think Oliver Kamm could do with the same – who knew he was a banker?

What relevance does politics in the United Kingdom have to you? • If the question were "What relevance... to my life?" Same as everyone else that isn't in either the Westminister village or the parallel blogosphere – fuck all. However, to answer the real question, it' the acidic heartburn of my every waking hour.

What is your favourite font? • A good friend of mine, the genius Orjon De Roo, created a font out of his own handwriting, which was lovely. I do also recall a font called ransom or somesuch, which was, unsurprisingly, like a ransom note.

Due to an unforeseen error the Internet vanishes overnight. What do you do to pass the time? • Masturbate the old way.

OK Computer or The Bends? • Impossible question. However, as I was knee deep in mud and floating about 30ft in the sky at Radiohead's , I will say OK Computer.

(An introduction to the friends in e-places feature, and a list of all those that have appeared in it, is available here. If you think you might like to answer these questions, let's make friends.)

Filed in Friends in e-places