Care Commission - deleted? (updated)

Care Commission - deleted?Just yesterday I was noting that not much has happened with the Commission on the Funding of Care and Support, set up by Andrew Lansley to look into this vital topic.

I visited the site again tonight to see if there had been any updates, to find the site had been, erm, deleted (click thumbnail above for larger version; original screenshot here).

It's entirely feasible that a new website is being prepared in time for the Commission's publication of the criteria on which they're going to assess the funding options (which are due by Monday).

It's equally feasible that it's a technical mistake.

I just wonder, though, if there's something else going on? After all, the Commission has had nothing to say in 52 days so far...

Update (11am, 17 Sept): It looks like it was a technical hitch - the site is now back up and running, though still hasn't been updated in the 58 days since the Funding Commission was launched.

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